Thursday, February 5, 2015

Character Development

Backstory: Claude is a kid who dreams of being a great knight after one day witnessing one courageously defeat a Forrest Giant. He decides to embark on a 5 year quest to better hone his skills in knightsmanship, and discover the secrets of the world. Equipped with a wooden sword and an eager heart, Claude sets off into the unknown to uncover his destiny. He is from the wealthy city of Irvindale, known for its merchants and wizards. His parents are farmers and sell produce to wizards.

Positive: Brave, Eager, Kind, Ambitious, Driven, Curious, Generous, Funny, Strong-willed, 


NegativeSelf-conscious, Naive, Stubborn, Over-thinks too much, Impulsive, Temperamental, Lacks skill


One day, Claude was driving to the Forrest of Anguish and Sorrow. He decided to take the toll road because he didn't want to be late to slay the evil wizard that was patiently waiting for him. When he arrived at the booth, he reached into his pouch to pull out the necessary five bronze coins to open the gate- BUT ALAS! He found nothing in his money pouch. Concerned about the situation, Claude knocked on the booth window to find that no one was there! And empty booth! Nada! So what does Claude do.... Well, he doesn't want to be that guy who just avoids paying, but without any money he wouldn't be able to make it to the wizard! So in his frazzled state, Claude takes out a wooden plank and carves in a simple:


Claude made sure to try to catch the toll booth attendant on his way back or on another day. He was on his way to slay an evil wizard. And who knows, maybe that wizard has five bronze coins he's willing to spare.


  1. Backstory: Need to know much more about this kid. Where he comes from, the specifics as to what inspired him to want to be a knight, more about his relationships, incidents that he experienced, how he came to be who he is, etc.

    Attributes: A good start, but create a longer list!!!!

    Tollbooth: Doesn’t tell us anything about this guy. Get into his head. If he were to do this, I need to believe it is true to who he is and right now I am not with you. Remember, it is more about who this person is than whether they cross the toll booth.

  2. From what I've seen of your concept art, Claude seems like a really fun character in a beautiful environment, but that seems to be missing here a bit. I think you need to delve more into who he is, because I see it much more in your art than your words

  3. Claude seems like a cool kid, but we need to know more about his world, whats Irvindale, is there some sort of conflict between wizards and normal people? Are they locked in some sort of servitude. How old is Claude? How is he going to survive in the woods with a wooden sword for 5 years? Doesn't make a believable character if you ask me.

    Good start on the attributes, the start of a complex character, but definitely needs more.

    You build up to the toll booth conundrum, but when you finally get there, you kind of just avoid it completely, you need to really describe how he thinks. Not to mention how he got past the toll booth, you just say he puts a wooden plank there and fail to mention if he jumps over it, or if he goes around.
